I’m so honored to be a national partner in the
Stand Beside Her movement, which encourages girls to support one another and help each other succeed. We were asked to create a video of our own
#StandBesideHer story and here’s mine.
Last week I spoke at an 8th Grade Girls Summit and their brochure had a picture of a mountain and I used that theme throughout my talk to demonstrate the journey from where you are to where you want to be and most importantly, it’s not the goal but what it will make of you to achieve it. In other words – it’s the climb.
During my talk I referenced a Hindu Proverb that says,
Help thy brother’s across and LO! thine own has reached the shore.

I told the girls that we need to change that up and say this instead:
Help thy sister up the mountain and LO! you have reached the summit too!

Then I had the girls turn to each other and proclaim, “
You are my sister!” They giggled as they turned to a girl on their left and right, clearly unaccustomed to saying anything like this before. We need to teach our girls that they are a sisterhood and that they can have anything they want in life if they just help others get what they want.
Here are some startling statistics and the very reason this movement is so necessary and important to the next generation of women leaders.

Then just yesterday, one of my coaching clients told her own amazing “StandBesideHer” story and I just had to share. A bunch of her friends all decided to dress up as Winnie the Pooh characters.

And then they found out that there was a girl at school who hadn’t been invited by anyone to go trick or treating. They decided to ask the girl to join them and they all helped her create her costume, and within minutes, little Roo was added to the group.

This is exactly what this movement is all about. Girls helping each other, supporting each other and encouraging each other. These girls are not only our future leaders, they are doing it right NOW and we need to catch them doing something right and shine a light on that.
In the comments below, share your own #StandBesideHer story and let us know about the girls who are making a difference, as well as how you’ll incorporate this into your own girl programming and outreach.
Tomorrow is officially the last day of #StandBesideHer week, but personally I hope we continue this all year long.
For more information and to become a partner, visit
Stand Beside Her website. If you want more information about my Unshakable Confidence Coaching and to apply for a FREE Breakthrough to Confidence Discovery session,
click here!