Warning! Gratitude Will Change Your Life

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Warning! Gratitude Will Change Your Life

I used to roll my eyes and scoff at all those self-help gurus who talked about gratitude being the key to transformation. Like a scratched record that skips and plays the same line over and over again, “yeah but” was the story I told myself for most of my life. “Yeah but” they didn’t have the kind of traumatic childhood that I had… “Yeah but” it’s easy to be grateful when you’ve already got it all. blah blah blah. That is, until I realized that it’s absolutely true. Gratitude really is the key that unlocks our potential and unleashes the power that can move us from poor me to PROSPERITY! Who doesn’t want that? We all say we want a fabulous life, but for some reason, very few have the courage and fortitude to really go for it. Why is that? Staying stuck in a rut of self-pity and “yeah buts” becomes our comfort zone. When we practice this type of blame-based thinking for so long, it becomes so familiar and habitual that we begin to actually believe that this is who we are. If we let that go, who will we be? It’s the mere thought of change that keeps us stuck and the only one who likes change is a wet baby!   Why Gratitude Works Every thought transmits a wave of energy that goes out into the Universe and attracts back a similar pattern or frequency. Like attracts like and thoughts become things. If your habitual thought pattern is focused upon lack, while comparing your lot in life with those who seem to have it all, you will always get more of the same. An attitude of gratitude aligns and calibrates your energy to a higher vibration and frequency. It’s as if you’ve changed the channel on a radio from static to the easy, breezy station 108.FABULOUS! Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you already have. The more you focus your energy and attention on appreciation for all the good in your life, the more good will flow to you. In our crazy world of bigger, better, faster, more teen girls often bear the brunt of negative media messaging and advertising that conditions their thoughts to compare and want more. They are being brainwashed to believe that who they are and what they have is just not enough. The entire self-esteem movement went awry when well-meaning parents, teachers and coaches alike started over-rewarding our kids with trophies-for-all, and all the latest electronic gadgetry and fashion accessories to build up their self-esteem. It backfired and created a generation of entitlement vs. empowerment. Most of the work I do with young women as a Confidence Coach is much like being a personal trainer for the mind. I help teen girls learn how to harness and strengthen their thoughts and direct them towards the positive. It’s astounding how difficult it is for a girl to list 5 things she likes about herself. Girls are often afraid of being labeled conceited if she were to brag about what’s right about herself. Go ahead! I dare you! Stop whatever you’re doing right now and in the comments below, write 5 things that you like about yourself. If that is too difficult, just write 5 things for which you’re grateful. I recently moved to Naples, Florida and am in HEAVEN!! People often comment through Facebook and other social media sites about what a fabulous life I have… and they are absolutely right! I do have a fabulous life and all of it began to flow in, as if by magic, the very moment I got off the pity pot and stopped whining and complaining about what was wrong and began to shift my focus to what’s right and what I’m thankful for. I could go on for days and days with a list of all the things for which I’m grateful. But this is not about me – it’s about you learning how to harness the power of your own thoughts to create a life that you absolutely love. TAKE ACTION CHALLENGE: Every day for the next month, write a list of all the things you’re thankful for. Go get a Gratitude Journal or maybe get glass jar like the one I bought at Home Goods and a cool pad of paper and use your favorite color pen (mine is purple!) and every morning make a list and put it into the jar. I like to use a glass jar because you get to see it getting filled up and that begins to fill you up with even more positive energy. Someone asked me recently what I planned to do with all the lists when the jar got filled up. I hadn’t figured that out yet, but then thought it would be awesome to have a full moon, burning ceremony and offer it all in thanks to God. I’ve marked my calendar for the upcoming full moon and my jar is brimming with all my blessings. Please give this a try. I swear it is like sending your mind to the gym and strengthening it to focus on all the positive in your life. Before you know it, you will start to see only the good and you will be looking for things throughout the day to add to your list. Suddenly you will realize that more and more good things are flowing into your life. In case you haven’t done so yet, start right NOW and list 5 things you’re grateful for in the comments section below! So what am I thankful for??? I am so grateful for YOU!!!
By | 2017-03-07T13:54:08+00:00 November 20th, 2012|

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