Wanna Make God Laugh?

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Wanna Make God Laugh?

You know the old joke, “Wanna make God laugh? Tell him your plans!” Well no doubt, God is laughing his ass off right about now as I embark on a mission trip to Medellin, Colombia this summer. Never in a million years did I imagine I would be a freaking missionary traveling to remote regions to share the love of God. It was never part of my five, ten or even twenty year plan. But four years ago I walked into a church and it felt like home. I’m not even sure I was looking for a church, but happened to see a sign on the main road one day for Life Christian Church. The logo was a tree and I always loved the symbolism of the tree of life and so I decided to check it out. Six months after that, I got baptized in the Gulf of Mexico! I had been baptized as a baby into the Catholic Church, but never consciously made a decision to surrender my life completely to God and to allow Jesus to be the Lord of my life. This baptism was different because I was finally ready and totally convinced that my way doesn’t work. I thought I surrendered when I got sober fifteen years ago and began to work the 12 steps of recovery in my life, but I needed more. I knew God was calling me deeper, to do greater things in the world and I also knew that I couldn’t do any of it alone. During the last three years, the Holy Spirit has been doing a mighty work in me and changing me from the inside out. All my life I wanted to be successful in order to prove that I was someone special, but a career built on self-will and personal gain never came close to filling that hole in me. I can’t even begin to tell you about the changes that have taken place within me. At times I don’t even recognize myself because the more I surrender, the more God guides me to where He wants me to be – not where I thought I was supposed to be. And every time I obey, I am filled with this sense of wonder and joy and an inner peace that surpasses all understanding. I am being used and He has filled me with His power and I am no longer seeking the praise, but instead I am giving all the glory to God. Trust me when I tell you this is the last thing I would’ve ever chosen to do. In fact, I used to quote a bumper sticker that said, “I don’t have a problem with Jesus… it’s His fan club that annoys me!” I never wanted to become a “holier than thou” evangelistic bully who tries to save the world and forces people to think the way they do. I struggled and resisted and wanted to run the other way so many times, but God kept whispering, “Stay… you’re exactly where I want you to be.” For me, the good news is that I don’t have to be like anybody else. I get to experience God flowing through me as me, to be the love of God personified. That new power and light in me is what has the power to help others and heal the world. I am living proof that God can and will heal your life when you let go and let Him run the show. When a mission trip to Colombia was announced, I was intrigued because one of my friends had gone two years ago and said it was life changing. Then I was invited to attend the information meeting specifically because of the work I do with teen girls. However, deciding to go was a struggle because we just bought a new condo, trying to sell another and business was slow. I didn’t even have the money for the initial deposit. So I challenged God with a rather forceful request. “If you want me in Colombia,” I demanded, “you have to show me!” “And by the way,” I added,”I need the deposit covered today, because today is the deadline.” I can just imagine God chuckling at his whiny daughter. I’ve learned through the Word of God that God delights in every detail of my life and whatever we ask in Jesus’ name it shall be given. So for good measure I added, “In Jesus’ name” at the end of my request. My husband and I were driving to church when I said that prayer. When we got there we were ushered into the second row. Maria, who was organizing the trip, was in the first row and when she saw me she turned around and hugged me. “Kathleen,” she whispered in my ear, “your deposit has been covered.” I burst out crying and nearly fell over with awestruck wonder. My husband asked what was wrong. “Nothing’s wrong,” I said, “But apparently I’m going to Colombia!” You see, I’ve also learned that God’s Word never returns void, but I had never seen such an instantaneous manifestation in my life! I was so encouraged by this miracle that I decided to start a gofundme account to help support this mission along with my friend Linda Sexton. Talk about miracles… within one week we are nearly halfway to our goal! If you’d like to support us on this mission and learn more about the work we’ll be doing in Medellin, Colombia, click this link www.gofundme.com/themissionsisters  If you want to see me pour my heart out and cry… watch the video below. Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated but above all, we need your prayers of protection as we venture into some shady areas of drugs, human trafficking and prostitution.
By | 2018-04-06T14:23:10+00:00 April 6th, 2018|

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