Scared or Sacred?

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Scared or Sacred?

While in the early stages of creating my mother/daughter workshop, I was brainstorming titles and came up with Mothers and Daughters: Building the Sacred Connection. I realized that even though I sort of knew what the word “sacred” meant, I wanted to be sure that this was the right word to describe the essence of this workshop – so I looked it up. sacred |ˈsākrid| adjective connected with God To me, God is love. And that was exactly the energy that I wanted the mothers and daughters to feel and connect with. Then it dawned on me – just how similar the words “sacred” and “scared” are. All you have to do is switch two letters and get a completely different meaning. So then I looked up the word “scared.” scared |ske(ə)rd| adjective fearful; frightened I felt like there was something really significant about this, but I needed more clarity. I stopped what I was doing and went into meditation to connect with the Source of all love and wisdom. All of a sudden it hit me and I grabbed my journal and this is what came through me; a c – always connected c a – completely alone Just like those little grammar rules we learned in school, ” i before e – except after c “, I felt like I’d been given a completely new and simple rule to live by. Keep the “a” before the “c” and you will always be connected to the source of all love and power. Put the “c” before the “a” and you will believe that you are completely alone and have to do it all by yourself. Is it any wonder why we’re so afraid and filled with anxiety? The good news is that we’ve all been blessed with the power of choice. In every moment we get to choose sacred or scared? The bad news is that many of us have been so conditioned to believe that we’re all alone and we have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. More good news… we are never alone and we are one with that Source of love. He never left us, but we must choose in every moment whether we’re going to resist or accept the truth. We are always connected – which makes every one of us sacred!
By | 2011-04-20T10:39:53+00:00 April 20th, 2011|

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