Response Required – Don’t Miss an Issue!

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Response Required – Don’t Miss an Issue!

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new website. I feel like I’ve just given birth! It’s truly been a labor of love and I can’t wait to share it with you and the world. Along with the new site, we are moving into a new state-of-the-art email program and are migrating our mailing list over to the new system. To stay with me and to make sure you receive all of the updates about the great new programs and materials we are creating, along with our monthly e-zine Shine!, you’ll need to go to my website and sign back up. It is simple and will only take a minute. But I promise you, it will be worth it! Simply click the HOME button above, which will take you to my new site. For starters, the minute you enter your name and email address you’ll receive a FREE copy of my new e-book, Self-Esteem is Priceless: 52 Ways to Raise Your Self-Esteem. It is filled with practical tips and easy to implement ideas that will help you become more confident and secure – from the inside out. But that’s not all… We have created a beautifully animated story book called Square Peg Round Hole, about a girl named Peg who is desperately trying to fit in. I know you will LOVE this story and will want to share it with every girl in your life. We want Peg to go viral and help every girl in the world learn how to love and accept herself – just the way she is. When you forward this story on, you’ll receive another FREE gift downloaded directly to your email: a 20 minute mp3 of Affirmations set to music. These powerful statements will help you anchor new positive beliefs into your subconscious mind and will help you to shift your thoughts from fear, worry and anxiety towards power, well-being and inner peace. Here’s all you have to do, just click the Home button above and you’ll be whisked off to my website. Fill in your name and email in the sign-up box and then enjoy the site! There are lots of new features, including an ASK Kathleen page where you can ask me your most burning question about self-esteem, parenting teens or dealing with stress and burnout. Your questions will be answered during out upcoming monthly tele-seminar series. Two spots have just opened up in my Inner Circle Coaching Group. One of my favorite clients that I’ve worked with since she was in tenth grade, just left for college. When I went to her graduation party, her dad was standing near the door talking with another man and when he saw me walk in, he stopped mid-sentence and then said to the other gentleman, “This woman coming in the door is the reason we are here celebrating tonight!” And his daughter, my client, had this to say about our work together, “Thank you for everything! You are the strongest soul I know. Without you as my coach and friend, I don’t know where I would be. You do amazing work and I love you so much!” I am so incredibly blessed and privileged to work with such amazing young women. If you’d like some assistance in getting clearer about your own desires, or perhaps your daughter needs some help in maneuvering her way through the teen years, please contact me. I was born to help others transform their dreams into reality. Let me help you create a life you absolutely love. Kathleen Hassan Kathleen Hassan Communications
By | 2007-09-28T11:50:38+00:00 September 28th, 2007|

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