Products 2017-03-21T17:52:15+00:00

Square Peg Round Hole

Looking for the perfect gift for your pre-teen daughter? Girls to Grandmas will identify and relate to this heartwarming tale about a girl named Peg who is desperately trying to fit in. With the love and support of her family, along with her best friends, Peg finally understands what it is to love and accept herself – just the way she is. Price: $15.00 [WD_Button id=4219]    

iCoach Teens Year Long Confidence Program

Increased Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance and Self-Confidence, Better Relationships, Academic Achievement and Higher Athletic Performance are all just a click away… What if your daughter’s iPhone could actually help her to achieve her dreams AND help decrease stress, anger, anxiety and fear? Now it can! The iCoach Program is just for teen girls. Each week she’ll receive a 5 to 10 minute mp3 download delivered to her email ready to download to her iPod or iPhone. I know how busy girls are; running from cheerleading to field hockey practice to soccer to babysitting and many also have part-time jobs – and that doesn’t even include homework and time with friends. Each download will be short and yet very powerful. Sign up TODAY and receive an entire year of weekly mp3 audio programs for only $19.95! After listening to Kathleen, audience members often remark, “I wish I could take you home and hear this message every day!” Well now that wish is just a click away! Price: $19.95 [WD_Button id=4220]

Feeling Your Way Back to Joy!

Research has proven that a positive attitude increases health and well being. When you’re happy you feel better. Most people wait for something good to happen before they are happy.
But this program will help you discover your own amazing ability to harness the power of your thoughts and how to use your own built-in emotional guidance system to feel your way back to joy. Like a magnet you will attract and manifest; prosperity and abundance, good health and well-being, happiness and harmony, serenity and inner peace – just by paying attention to the way you feel.

Price: $9.00

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Tuning In

Inspiration for Transformation! In this audio program, Kathleen Hassan will share with you the tools that will help you achieve breakthrough results in your personal and professional life.
By TUNING IN you will learn how to move past the outer layers of fear, worry, scarcity and stress into a new realm of clarity, creativity, abundance and inner peace. Affirmations, meditations and relaxation exercises will help you quiet your mind so you can begin to listen to your inner self and learn to find your own answers within. You will begin to replace old negative tapes with new positive messages, while quelling the voice of your own inner critic.

Price: $9.00

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Body Love

Self-Hypnosis for Weight Loss The definition of insanity, as popularized in the halls and church basements of 12 Step Recovery Programs, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who has once again put “Lose Weight” on this year’s resolution list, you’re about to discover the secret to keeping the weight off – both you and your list once and for all. The reason most diets and resolutions fail is because they focus on the effect rather than the cause. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect stated in its simplest form is “thoughts become things.” Your body as it is today (the effect) is the result of yesterday’s thoughts (the cause). Try as we might to change the effect, the results if any, will be minimal and the energy and effort required maintain those results is exhausting. Hypnosis works because we can effect change at the root level of cause by replacing old, negative, habitual thoughts that no longer serve us with new, positive and beneficial suggestions that reflect the change we want to see. Have you thought about trying hypnosis to lose weight, but weren’t sure if it would work… or you were afraid of going “under” and not being in control? Perhaps you can’t afford one on one hypnosis sessions or if you just want to dip your toes in the water before you commit, this mp3 audio download program is for you! This powerful self-hypnosis program offers you the freedom and flexibility so you can practice on your own to lock new, positive and powerful beliefs into your subconscious mind. Above all, you will learn how self-acceptance and unconditional love is the key that will unlock the door to becoming your very best YOU! Long term results in just 20 minutes per day!

Price: $19.95

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