Praise 2019-03-28T15:09:20+00:00
It was THE best Keynote I have ever heard. You rocked it. I walked away with four pages of notes to use in my middle school! Seriously AMAZING and FUNNY!
 Middle School Teacher, Girls Symposium attendee

Kathleen Hassan, you were outstanding today at the girls symposium! I could not take notes quick enough!! You made this social workers blood rush with inspiration! Going into school on Monday feeling empowered and ready to rock some inspiration into middle school souls! Thank you-thank you-thank you.
Aimee Dos Santos, Social Worker

Thank you for a truly wonderful presentation at our Girls Day Out event.  I could see that our girls were engaged and interested.  You came across as truly caring about our girls –  thank you for caring about them.
Elaine Grissom, Mohave Probabtion Department

Hi Kathleen! I would be honored to tell others how hearing you speak basically helped save my life. When I came to hear you speak I was in a very dark place in my life, I was being bullied left and right and I was at a point where I could’ve done something I’d regret. When you told all of us girls in that college auditorium that it’s not okay to bottle everything up and hide what’s going wrong, it was like you woke me up from a daze. That day I went home from that conference and told my parents everything I was being put through. If I hadn’t woken up, I wouldn’t be as successful as I am now. No amount of thanks could ever explain the gratitude I have for you helping me when I needed it most. I am so lucky to call you my friend now.
Kayla Kroh, Singer, songwriter, past attendee of the Young Women’s Leadership Conference

I have had the pleasure of hearing Kathleen speak twice. Both times were experiences I will never forget. She provided me with the tools to be a confident young woman and learn to really love myself. She taught me that I am “oh so worthy” of doing great things with my life! Her inspiration and kind words did not stop after hearing her those two times. We have kept in touch and she is always giving me a boost of confidence here and there. She has helped me deal with personal struggles over the past few years and I am extremely lucky to have met her and to have her in my life. I know that I speak for the entire membership of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls In Massachusetts when I say her words were powerful and truly made a difference!
Amy Randall, Most Worthy Advisor, MA Int’ Order of Rainbow Girls

Kathleen, I LOVED your presentation at the “Just For Us” event. It was incredible!
Jena Danner, Marketing Director at Lucas County Health Center

Kathleen is a unique coach who doesn’t just focus on the outcomes that you are working toward, she coaches to your heart. I always felt comfortable sharing my vision, desires and dreams with her. Because of her accountability I have a much clearer focus of what I am suppose to be doing with my life.
Shannez VanCauwenbergh

In the conference today i learned to be proud of who we are. Because i am good enough. And to be proud of being different shapes and sizes. I had so much fun. And i won’t forget to dream, believe, receive, and achieve!
Carly, Girls Empowerment Conference

I went to your program this year (2013)! It changed my life ALOT. I have become a whole different person from your presentation. I am 12, everybody thinks I haven’t experiences much since i’m soo young but I have. I have had a VERY rough childhood. So I blamed myself and put myself down constantly. But I have learned from you its ok to be me and I don’t have to change for anybody. I want to finish school, then go to College and become a teacher! Im gonna keep my grades up and ACHIEVE! You inspired me and helped me believe that I can do this.
Elizabeth, Media Literacy Program

Kathleen, I was at your presentation at York collage. u have inspired me & u helped me realize that no one is perfect and no one is better then the other and that we are all beautiful. so thank u for teaching us
Alisha, student

Your speech brought tears to my eyes. I have never felt so proud to be me. You are a true inspiration and I think you are one heck of a woman to travel around the world, changing young girl’s perspectives. I never thought that I could feel so good about being me until you gave your speech today.
Brooke, student

I just honestly want to say, you made a huge change in my life. You were wonderful! I want to be a motivational speaker just like you are! You are a wonderful, successful lady that lived her dream! Thank you so much!
Jada, 7th grader, Young Women’s Leadership Conference

My daughter and I heard you speak at the Mother Daughter Day yesterday. Thank you for such an inspirational talk….your purpose and message are exactly what girls today (young and old) NEED…And you delivered it in such a fun way! Thanks so much! You’re awesome!
Kristine Ryan, Photographer & Mom

The entire day was inspiring, but the most poignant part was when you chose my daughter to come up on stage and she was able to share her dream in front of the audience. Just to see her experience being in a room where the resounding response was “Yes, you can!” was something she needed and I see seeds of it still coming up weeks later.
Heather, Mom

I’m so glad we had the opportunity to attend your Dream Believe Achieve seminar. Not only did you help me, but my daughter especially. Many times since then we remind each other of the tools you taught us. I truly believe that things happen for a reason and my daughter and I were meant to attend last weekend.
Sharon, Mom

Kathleen, no doubt you share in the success Camille is having, we will always be grateful for what you did for her and for coaching her through a trying time, helping her gain confidence and freeing her to become the responsible, accountable, outstanding young lady she is. Many thanks!
Paul , father of coaching client

i loved your talk and it has opened my eyes! Keep doing what you’re doing – you can change peoples lives. I had a tears in my eyes! thanks a bunch.

I just wanted to say I was at the young women’s leadership conference n all I have to say is – it changed my life n the way i think about myself. At first I really thought it would be boring, but I liked it and I wish I could go again it was ahh~ mazing  i loved it thnx

you are amazing. and you changed my life. thank you kathleen.  🙂

thank you for 2day it taught me alot
Emily K, student, Young Women’s Leadership Conference

You have been such a important part of my journey. I owe you a debt of gratitude for all the wonderful coaching and advice you have provided with love and care! Had it not been for your guidance, I’m sure I would have given up by now. Thank you for being you and for helping me to be my best me!
Rosie, Coaching client

Kathleen’s success with the 450 very diverse teenagers was obvious. She was the only presenter throughout the conference that held their complete attention and received a standing ovation by the teens when she was through.
Cynthia Gonsalves, Teen Advisor Boys & Girls Club of America

Kathleen’s Girls’ Voices self-esteem program has received praise from school and town administrators, parents, state legislators, and above all from the girls themselves. Truly a ripple effect in action, and her much needed message is spreading.
Max Horvet, former Director of Youth Services of Milton

Your message needs to be heard around the world! Think of it – Global Empowerment!
Karen Swartwout , School Nurse

Thank you for such an inspiring day! I was so glad I got to experience your energy first hand yesterday. What you do is so needed, especially in today’s times. I look forward to seeing the effects of your presentation on the girls. Yesterday was amazing and I am blessed to have been a part of it! Thanks again for all you do for all the girls!
Sharon, Mom

It was very entertaining and enjoyable to hear what you had to say. You made everyone in the room feel great and special about themselves. I learned a lot of interesting things which I now use to boost up my confidence.
Allison , Grade 9

I cannot begin to express my appreciation and admiration for your presentation at our Diamond Girls Young Women’s Leadership Conference. I’ve been in the business world for over 20 years and it takes a lot to impress me and you really impressed me!
Kevin Schell, Director Sports and Marketing Academy at Gulf Coast High School

I highly recommend Kathleen as a keynote for events such as our Young Women’s Leadership Conference. This is her 5th year in a row presenting to the girls of York County. It is a challenge to keep this age group of 1500 7th grade girls engaged and Kathleen did a tremendous job doing just that.
Dianne Moore, Women’s Health Services Coordinator

Kathleen, it’s taken me a couple of days to fully process the wonderful transformational evening we experienced with you the other night…it really was MAGNIFICENT!!!
Jennifer Hall, President Kingston PTO

After listening to you today I will NEVER EVER let anybody tell me that I can’t because i know that I can – Or let anybody stop me from following my dreams
Anonymous, USA