Podcast – iCoach Confidence 2019-04-27T12:11:33+00:00

iCoach – The Body Mind Spirit Connection

This week’s edition of iCoach is all about understanding your body, mind, spirit connection. Most teen girls only are seeing the world through their body/mind connection, but when you tap into your spirit or soul – that is when you become whole – and holy. And that is where you find your power to create miracles. This edition of iCoach is a little deeper than most, but just listen to it as a meditation and trust that even if it’s a bit deep, it is planting the seeds of greatness within you.

iCoach – The Body Prayer

Do you have a hard time sitting still and quieting your busy mind? This week’s iCoach goes deeper into meditation and teaches you a tool or anchor called a body prayer. By using your hands and moving them in a ritualistic way and adding an intention to the movement, you create energy and healing. You also give your mind a powerful focus and a way to quiet down your busy thoughts.

iCoach – Questions Give the Mind Direction

This week’s edition of iCoach is about asking Powerful Questions. This simple strategy can help you direct your thoughts and focus your mind towards getting to the essence of your truth. The problem is that most of us are asking ourselves the wrong questions. We ask things like “Why me?” and your mind will go to work to try and find the answer. What a waste of time and energy. What is the point of knowing why you? Why not you? Just because. Now move on 🙂

iCoach – The Power of Joy

This week’s edition of iCoach is about the power of joy. Joy vibrates at the highest level and when you are in a state of joy, there is no resistance to receiving everything you’ve asked for. The expression “Ask & It Is Given” is 100% true, but whatever you’ve asked for can only flow to you when you are in a state of joy – or in other words, you act as if you’ve already received your desire. Joy vibrates at the same level or frequency as love, gratitude and power. So these “happy thoughts” will help to get your energy up there where it belongs.

iCoach – The Itty Bitty Sh*^^y Committee

This week’s edition of iCoach is all about self-talk and how to recognize the voice of your inner critic. You will learn a powerful tool called The 3 C’s to help you disarm your inner critic so that it will no longer be running the show. What you think about becomes your reality – which means it is so important to learn how to harness the power of your mind to attract what you want into your life.

iCoach – Emotional Eating

This week’s edition of iCoach is about Emotional Eating. Let’s face it, we’ve all done it… and it never works. What may give us a quick fix or a temporary relief from our intense emotions, only makes matters worse when we get even angrier with ourselves for overeating. This issue of iCoach describes the 12 types of Emotional Hunger (from the book Mastering Food. “The 12 Types of Emotional Hunger.” By Roger Gould, M.D.) and will teach you a tool called the Emotional Freedom Technique developed by Gary Craig.

iCoach – Managing Stress

This week’s edition of iCoach is all about managing stress. There is a lot of information crammed into this 9 minute segment. There are several important components to managing your stress; first you need to get to know yourself and figure out how you react to stress, next you need to create a plan for your life and decide who you are and the kind of person you want to be, then you need to begin to figure out what is within your control and what is not and then lastly you need to have tools at hand to get you back on track when inevitably you’ll be blown off course by events, people and situations that are not within your control.