Need help? Hire a Girl!

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Need help? Hire a Girl!

My business naturally yields itself to working with girls. Let’s face it, my business is girls! But even if you’re not specifically in the female empowering biz, hiring a girl might be the best thing you could do for your company, and will probably be the best thing that could happen to a girl too.

This past summer, I hired an intern for some special projects, one of which was getting organized and clearing out all old files from my desk and computer. While transferring files onto a external memory drive, I came across a series of audio files that I had created years ago while mentoring a group of girls at GirlTalk Radio, a station run by girls in Boston. All the girls had cool DJ names and they dubbed me “DJ Kat.” I created twenty short audio clips/confidence tips that they could play regularly on air as girl empowerment public service announcements.

While explaining all this to my intern Kacy (pictured with me above), I got a flash of inspiration to animate the audios and create a series of YouTube videos. Unbeknownst to me, Kacy is a video editing ninja! But we needed a graphic to depict DJ Kat and Kacy asked if any of my girl coaching clients were artists. Brilliant! I knew just the girl. 

When I first started working with Allison, she was extremely anxious and could barely breathe during our first couple of sessions. Her art was the only thing that brought her joy and it’s what we focused on during our coaching calls. When I approached her about the possibility of commissioning her to create the artwork for the video series, you would’ve thought I offered her the position of CEO of my company. It was her very first paid gig and she was ecstatic.

Her parents set up a PayPal account for her to receive payment and she got to work on DJ Kat. Did I mention that Allison was only twelve years old? Here’s her artistic rendering of what she imaged an animated version of me might look like!

With the new Intro created, Kacy went to work animating the text and setting it all to music. Here’s the first installment of Dj Kat’s Confidence Tips! 

Follow Allison on Instragram: @allijun You wouldn’t believe the transformation that has taken place in Allison in just a few short months. Her artwork has exploded and she is running art contests and has had many other commissioned works of art since I first hired her.

If you need help with a project… hire a girl.

If you’re a girl (or the mother of a girl) who needs help… hire me!

Here’s what Allison wrote about our coaching experience:

Kathleen has helped me beyond my expectations. Not too long ago, my life was taking a dark turn and I was very distraught. My mother decided to sign us up for Kathleen’s confidence coaching, and it was worth every penny. Kathleen has helped me out of my shell and showed me how to be the confident person I am today. She’s a very fun person to work with and knows exactly what to say at any moment. Without her help, I don’t know where I would be now. -Allison G.

If you want to make 2018 your daughter’s best year yet… click here to apply for a FREE Breakthrough to Confidence Discovery Session! 

By | 2017-12-24T14:47:04+00:00 December 24th, 2017|

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