MAD LOVE – Free Gifts for Mom 2017-03-14T15:48:45+00:00

Are you ready to say “YES” to a whole new relationship with your teenage daughter?

Let’s talk! I’d like to offer a complimentary 60 minute Discovery Session via Skype (or phone) with you and your daughter to learn more about your specific challenges and to help you create a vision of where you want your relationship to be.

One of the most sacred and powerful relationships in the world is the bond between a mother and her daughter. It can also be a source of stress and frustration that can turn your home into a battle zone. It’s a very different world for girls today as mothers and daughters struggle for control. Mothers seek to protect their daughters while girls seek independence and freedom.
This struggle has been going on since the beginning of time, but lately because of the way our society and culture has changed, this relationship has become even more strained. Our girls are bombarded with negative media messages that leave them anxious and angry and without intending to, they direct most of that at their mother.
If you’re a mother of a teenage daughter you’ve probably felt frustrated, hurt, angry, worried, anxious, overwhelmed and at times like your confidence has been undermined.

What mothers are saying… Can you relate?

  1. What happened to my sweet little girl?
  2. I’d like to lock her in her room till she’s eighteen!
  3. No matter what I say or how I say it, I still get the eye roll.
  4. I’ve tried grounding her and taking away her phone and it only makes it worse.
  5. She thinks the word MOM stands for Made Of Money!
  6. Sometimes I feel like I’m failing as a mother.
Over the last twenty years, I’ve coached hundreds of mothers and daughters to heal and strengthen their relationship and develop communication skills, confidence, mutual respect and trust.
Let me tell you a little about coaching – what it is – and what it is not. Let’s start with what it’s not. Coaching is NOT therapy! You’re not broken and I’m not trying to fix you – or your daughter. Coaching does not look back nor dwell upon the past. Coaching is all about moving forward from where you are to where you want to be. Coaching is an opportunity break free of old habits and patterns and to let go of the old “story” that has kept you stuck.

When this relationship works – here’s what happens:

  1. A major shift from fear to love
  2. A healthy, loving mother-daughter relationship based on mutual respect and honest communication
  3. A more peaceful home life for the entire family
  4. Cooperation and collaboration within the family unit
  5. Confidence in your parenting skills and self-esteem in your daughter
  6. Clear boundaries and mutually agreed upon ground rules
  7. Less stress and greater balance
  8. A fail-safe home environment to learn from mistakes
  9. “I got my daughter back!”
The answers you seek are not “out there” and I will help you find your truth and connection to your highest self – within.   If you’re ready to emerge from the darkness and step into the light. If you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. If you’re exhausted and overwhelmed from striving to achieve for fear that you will never be, do or have enough. Then it’s time to say “Enough Already!” Just click on the link below to automatically receive your free gifts: ==> Top 10 ways to Build Confidence Muscles ==> Five Ways We Destroy Our Own Confidence ==> I AM ENOUGH – Audio program

Here’s how I work with clients:

I only work with people who want to be their best and who are ready to take action and be accountable for their own happiness. I don’t take everyone into my coaching practice. After our call I will only offer my services if I feel that there is a fit for both of us. I recommend that a client commit to at least 3 months of coaching so that we build up some forward momentum together and to practice this new level of being so that real and lasting change can happen.
We can arrange for phone coaching for you, your daughter or a mother/daughter coaching package (which is ideal to keep mom on track and help you work together for mutual respect and better communication.)
Simply hit the sign up button below to schedule your FREE 60 minute Discovery Session. There is absolutely NO obligation to continue after your complimentary session, so you’d be crazy not to take advantage of this offer.
I take clients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please provide me with several options of your availability to expedite the scheduling. This will be the BEST investment you’ve ever made in YOU! It’s your time to SHINE!