Inspiring a New Generation of Confident Young Women

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Inspiring a New Generation of Confident Young Women

Imagine a world where all women – young and old – really love themselves, inside and out, and they embrace their true value and gifts. That’s Kathleen Hassan’s vision, and she’s making it her mission to reach as many as possible to help lift their spirits and transform their self-esteem. When girls and women are empowered, the world can only be a better place. A nationally recognized speaker, author and confidence coach, Kathleen is the creator of the “Girls Voices Self-Esteem Curriculum,” and author of Square Peg Round Hole, a body image book for pre-teen girls about fitting in and standing out. Her programs are message-driven from her own real-life experiences and hard-earned lessons, offering insightful ways to help young women find their voice and authentic power within.
By | 2012-01-17T02:56:08+00:00 January 17th, 2012|

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