I Got My Daughter Back!

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I Got My Daughter Back!

“I got my daughter back!” Those are the very words I heard this week from a client who hired me to coach her daughter that had lost her way and was in crisis. Nothing brings me more joy than to see a girl begin to really understand her own worth and power while helping both the mother and daughter learn how to communicate more effectively while creating a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. I can’t think of a more perfect Mother’s Day gift than this. Today I am honoring and celebrating this most sacred relationship and over the next few months will be sharing some of the strategies I used to coach this amazing turnaround. Just two months ago, I received an email from a distraught mother, begging for help. Her fifteen year old daughter had been sneaking out of the house and getting into all kinds of dangerous trouble. When she found out, an all out war erupted in their home. No matter what she did, it just kept getting worse. The first thing I did was arrange a Skype call between the mother and daughter and myself. They both got an opportunity to express exactly how they were feeling without any interruptions. Then they each took turns painting a picture of what they actually wanted to happen – both in their relationship and in their current situation. Then came the moment of truth when I asked each of them, “On a scale of 1-10, how important would it be to get the desired result that you both say you want?” They both answered with a resounding TEN!! This is the ultimate secret to getting anything you want in life — getting clear about what you want in life… and then deciding that it is really important to commit to getting what it is that you say you want. In 12 step recovery when a person wants to get sober (or change any addictive behavior) and that person asks someone for help, the sponsor always asks, “Are you willing to go to any lengths to get sober?” I can ask the same thing to anyone who has a vision for a better life. Are you willing to go to any lengths to step fully into the life you’ve imagined? If someone is not willing or not ready, there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to make them ready. Could they have gotten to that point on their own? Perhaps. But consider this statement made by Einstein, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” By the grace of God, I’ve been given a gift with the ability to hold a sacred space so that others can make a shift from where they are to where they want to be. I’d love to do that for you and your daughter. In honor of Mother’s Day, I am launching a new video series called Mad Love which heralds in a brand new movement of change called The MAD LOVE Revolution – Mothers And Daughters standing together in the power of love to change the culture for teen girls. New video launch – goes live TODAY! MAD LOVE for Mothers And Daughters
  Whether you’re a mother of a teenage girl or not, you are somebody’s daughter. This series will offer inspiration and insight into this multifaceted and complex relationship that affects the way a girl sees herself and relates to others. As my Mother’s Day gift to you, I’m giving away 4 transformational bonuses – all completely FREE! BONUS #1: Confidence 2.0: The Top 10 Ways to Build Your Confidence Muscles BONUS #2: The Top 5 Ways We Destroy Our Own Confidence BONUS #3: Confidence 2.0: Power Thoughts BONUS #4: I AM ENOUGH I’ve saved the very best for last. I’m offering you an opportunity to be one of the select few to receive a FREE 60 minute Breakthrough Discovery Session for you and your daughter. Just click here to sign up and you will also receive your four free bonuses delivered immediately to your inbox. Happy Mother’s Day and God bless Moms! #madlove
By | 2017-03-07T11:48:29+00:00 May 8th, 2016|

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