Giving Girls

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Giving Girls

There are lots of organizations dedicated to Girl Power, but unfortunately many of them seem to focus more on what’s wrong instead of what’s right. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe we need to educate ourselves and be aware of the issues facing young women today and learn how to become media literate and savvy. But if we only focus on the problem, that is exactly what we can expect to get back. This is Universal Law and how the world works. Thoughts become things and our thoughts attract back more of the same. So in this magical season of giving, I thought it would be lovely to focus on the positive and to share the stories of two amazing young women who are generously giving their time and talents to make the world a better place. These two young women represent everything that’s right with girls today and I am so grateful that God sent them into my life. Meet Kayla Kroh, singer and songwriter, who at 14 years old, just came out with her first record album called On Your Own! I met Kayla last month while speaking at the Young Women’s Leadership Conference in York, PA. It was my 5th year presenting to nearly 1500 7th grade girls. Two years ago, Kayla was one of those 7th grade girls and was sitting in the audience and holding in a secret. This year, Kayla returned to the Young Women’s Leadership Conference, only this time, not as an attendee – but as a performer with a powerful message. Here’s an excerpt from an article from the York Post: “Kayla Kroh was bullied for years, but it wasn’t until she attended the Young Women’s Leadership Conference at York College two years ago that she told someone about it. She said the message from Kathleen Hassan to her and hundreds of her peers made her feel more confident. Kayla said “Kathleen tells girls the truth and she doesn’t sugar coat it.” “She made me realize that even though it felt like tattling, it wasn’t.” After telling her parents about the bullying and getting help, Kayla began writing some songs about her experience. At this year’s conference, Kayla performed her song, My Destiny and the girls gave her a standing ovation. Kayla said “I want you girls to know that you’re not alone. It’s OK to be afraid, but it’s not OK not to tell someone.” If you’re looking for a perfect gift to inspire your daughter, niece or any teen girl in your life, how about Kayla’s album? The words and message come from a deep place of understanding the challenges that girls face today. I met this next young woman, Lilly Cottrell, while I was out in Los Angeles attending my book coach, Elle Febbo’s writing workshop called Make it Matter. As a bonus gift for attending the event, Elle graciously donated the photography services of Karey Cottrell and we each got a professional head shot. The day after the workshop, Elle hosted a small, intimate gathering of women in her home for an evening of creating Vision Boards and that’s where I met Karey’s daughter, Lilly. I gravitated to her immediately and am always drawn to girls to see what they’re up to and what’s going on in their lives. When we began the Vision Board exercises, while cutting and pasting and sharing our dreams, Elle asked Lilly to share with us her new project. Like Kayla, Lilly is only 14, but that has no bearing on what these young women are capable of. Lilly shared her vision of creating an organization called “Lilly’s Closet” and is rallying support from her friends to donate gently used clothing to teen girls in the foster care system. Lilly was so filled with passion as she explained, “I have always loved fashion, but I haven’t always been able to afford the name brands or designer clothes.” Then added, “I read in a magazine about a girl on the East Coast who had started a clothing drive and I saw the look on the girls faces who received the clothes. I knew that I wanted to do something here in LA for girls who are not as fortunate as I am.”  She said, “Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves and have nice things.” Within just weeks of putting her idea into action, she has had friends, local businesses and even some celebrities offering support. Sometimes you may feel like you’re only one person and the world needs more than you can give. But what the world really needs is one person who is willing to give. How about this year, instead of making your wish list and checking it twice:
  • Make a gratitude list and count your blessings.
  • Make a list of all the charities in your area and commit to doing one nice thing for one of them.
  • Make a list of people in your town who are already doing great things and volunteer your time to help them.
  • Make a list of all the elderly people in your neighborhood and do one small act of kindness for them. Shovel their driveway. Drop off a bag of candy or a tin of cookies or hot cocoa.
  Please let me know about girls you know who are making a difference. What we focus on attracts more of the same back! Let’s focus on the positive and be grateful for Girls Who Give!!
By | 2017-03-07T13:45:52+00:00 February 1st, 2013|

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