Destination Unknown

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Destination Unknown

Some people think that a destiny is a place – somewhere you’re trying to get to. Like the word destination, the place you arrive at when you go on vacation. But your destiny is not an actual place or somewhere to get to, it’s more about finding out who you really are and simply becoming that. Destiny is the hidden power within you that controls what will happen in the future. So it’s not so much about getting anywhere, but it’s about discovering that hidden power – the God force within, that will help you and guide you through life. Know this… There is NO “there”… There is only NOW. Any time you are trying too hard to get somewhere, or think that you should be somewhere else besides where you are in that exact moment… You are Not Here! God’s grace and power can only be accessed in the here and now. Having a vision and a dream in your heart is a gift from God. But chasing it and trying to make it happen, is a fool’s errand. You cannot out-god God. So just for today, trust that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Let God handle the travel arrangements and let Him show you your next right step. Breathe, let go and trust that God can and will if you let Him. All of your power is right here, right NOW! Tap into that and watch the miracles unfold. Know anyone who is trying too hard and getting in their own way? Share this blog post with them. In the comments below, tell us how you stay in the here and now and the miracles you’ve manifested by letting go.
By | 2017-03-07T12:20:37+00:00 May 21st, 2014|

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