Coaching 2019-12-04T15:57:52+00:00

Every mom wants her daughter to be brave, have the confidence to achieve her dreams, and know how to get back up when she falls.

Are you the mother of a teenage girl? Do you feel confident in just about every other area of your life except how to help your daughter feel good about herself? Are you worried that she might make some not-so-healthy choices to get the attention and approval of others? Do you sometimes feel that whatever you say only pushes her farther away? Have you ever felt like you’re failing as a mom?

Listen how one mom got her daughter back…

Fear not Mama! You are NOT alone.

Teen girls today are under so much pressure to achieve perfection in their looks, social status, academic and athletic performance. Unrealistic expectations and chronic comparison keeps them stuck in a vicious cycle of striving to be someone they’re not.

The result?  Depression, anxiety, bullying, addiction, eating disorders, pregnancy, promiscuity and suicidal thoughts.

Why hire a life coach for your teenage daughter?

It takes so much courage to ask for help. Like our girls, we too have been brainwashed to believe that it’s weak to need support. On the contrary, it’s a sign of great wisdom and strength. Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” You can’t do this on your own, nor should you have to. Let me be your guide while you become the hero of your family’s story. Think about every great success story you’ve ever heard about. Every epic hero had a guide to show them the way and help them overcome the obstacles that were keeping them from their destiny. 

In working with me, your daughter will not only break free from the trap of perfectionism, she will become more confident with who she is so that every decision she makes comes from an inner knowing instead of looking outside herself for approval. 

With a confidence coach by her side, she will be gently guided through a proven process to help discover and develop her strengths, including:

  • How to connect to and trust her own inner guidance and stop looking outside herself for approval and self-worth

  • How to find her voice and step into her power without worrying what everyone else will think

  • How to develop unshakable confidence by learning resiliency skills to deal with difficult situations more effectively

1. Schedule Session.

2. We Connect.

3. You Shine!

Coaching Packages

Mother And Daughter Coaching

Unshakeable Confidence for Girls

MOM L.A.B.: Parenting Like A Boss

Building Your Coaching Biz

Soul Coaching: Your Divine Purpose

Healing & Recovery Coaching

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