Bullied: A Tale of Two Girls

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Bullied: A Tale of Two Girls

    There has never been a better time to be a girl… opportunities abound. Yet, there has also never been a worse time to be a girl as so many young women suffer from the pressure to be perfect and are forever attacking themselves and each other in their pursuit of such unrealistic standards. In this video, I share a story about two girls, both being bullied. Two very different choices and two vastly opposite outcomes.

How to Take Back Your Power

Make a decision… that no one has the power to make you feel like you’re not good enough. Practice The Ruby Rule: Others will treat you the way you treat yourself. Start a self-love revolution and focus on everything positive about yourself that makes you YOU! Like attracts like, therefore self-love will bring you more and more love. Tell someone… if you’re being bullied, threatened or intimidated. Pour out all of your feelings and emotions into something creative like poetry, song writing, sculpture or dance. Pray for the bully! This is probably the most difficult thing in the world to do… but I promise you – it works miracles. Hurt people hurt people. Imagine that bully with a giant band-aid on their forehead. If everything we do is either a call for love or an act of love… that pretty much narrows down the act of bullying as a giant call for love. That person doesn’t understand a thing about where their real strength comes from and they get a temporary hit of power by making you or someone else feel bad. But that kind of power is short-lived and they have to keep on doing it in order to keep getting that surge. The only kind of power that is eternal and everlasting is love. Love always wins. The best part of praying for someone else is that while you’re doing it, you are bathing yourself in pure love. It’s like a giant proclamation to the Universe that you know who you are, that you are worthy and deserving of love and that you have so much of it that you gladly give it away – even to your enemies. Don’t Give Up! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The only thing certain about any situation is that it will pass. You have within you a Source of power that can only be released when it’s put to the test. Everything that happens to you is helping to bring out the greatness within you. You are not a victim and you have within you the power to transform every challenge. Ask for help. You don’t have to go it alone. I never would be where I am today without reaching out, asking for help and admitting I couldn’t do it alone. Ask someone you admire to be your mentor or hire a coach who can teach you life skills to help you transform your life. Do you have any advice or comments for kids who are being bullied and going through tough times? Share your words of wisdom in the comment section below. Have you ever been bullied? How did you get through it? And what about the bullies? Have you ever bullied anyone? What turned things around for you? I’ve been on both ends of bullying and thankfully I’ve made my amends. Every single one of us struggles with our sense of self-worth and our search for power. We’re all in this together… please share your experience with us.
By | 2017-03-07T12:28:26+00:00 April 8th, 2014|

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