Buh-Bye to What No Longer Serves Me

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Buh-Bye to What No Longer Serves Me

December 31st is just another day. It happens to fall on a Friday this year. Yet it seems as if the whole world is busy prepping for the BIG NIGHT as resolutions are made and check lists of things to fix about ourselves grow longer. We resolve to be better, happier, thinner, richer, more successful as we strive to become who we think we’re supposed to be.   This year I resolve to simply love and accept myself – just the way I am. I also made a list of things that just no longer serve me and was now ready and willing to let go. Surprisingly, that list grew to almost 40 items that I was just so totally done with. December 21st was the perfect moment to have a sacred cleansing and releasing ceremony. It was as if the cosmos had aligned just for me to carry my petition to heaven; the Winter Solstice, a full moon and a lunar eclipse all converged to carry my message to God. My husband built a bonfire in our outdoor fire pit and I burned my list and offered up a prayer that was lifted up in the ashes and smoke to be transformed. Since that moment, I have felt lighter and more at peace within myself. I have shared this with my coaching clients and all of them wanted a copy of my list to jumpstart their own. Most resolutions fail because they are based upon the illusion of lack. When I lose ten pounds, when I quit smoking, when I get the raise/promotion/guy/publishing contract. You are already whole and worthy – there is no thing that can add or detract from that. But you will never, ever know the peace and love of God with the thought system that is based upon lack or desire – thinking and believing that you need to get something in order to be valued and valuable. You already are all of that and more. There is a Zen proverb that says “Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day.” The only knowledge that I am intentionally seeking is to know the truth of who I am and from that, to fully know the peace and love of God. Here are a few things that I’m letting go; comparing myself to others unworthiness listening to the voice of ego putting too much emphasis or care about what others think of me blame, guilt and shame judgment scarcity limitations worry jealousy and envy not accepting myself – just the way I am It’s so simple – but simple doesn’t mean easy. It takes effort and great willingness to constantly be watching our thoughts and choose again. The good news is that we are not alone and there is always help available when we ask for guidance for the next right thought, step or action. The greatest gift you can give to the world is not you being 10 pounds thinner, but rather you deciding to seek only the truth about who you are, stepping into your authentic power and shining your light. Happy New Year… and a Happy New YOU! Now THAT is something to celebrate!!
By | 2017-03-07T14:24:13+00:00 December 31st, 2010|

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