
iCoach – “No” is a Complete Sentence

The Power of Saying "NO"... when you learn to say "No" to what you don't want, it is like a GIANT "YES" to what you do want and the Universe takes care of the rest. Saying "No" can be one of our greatest challenges and yet, it can also be one of the greatest tools we have as strong, powerful and confident women. This edition of iCoach will help you remember that you have the power to choose and will offer you tips to help you make the right decision for you. And remember... "No." is a complete sentence.

By | 2019-04-24T15:15:37+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Choices – Going Deeper

This week's edition of iCoach is a follow up to last week's program on choices and goes deeper into our power of choice to look at each situation through the eyes of love or fear. Shakespeare said "Nothing is good or bad, but our thinking makes it so." A Course in Miracles says that a miracle is simply a shift in our perception. When we shift our thoughts away from judgement and stop proclaiming that something is either good or bad, we move into a new realm of power and inner peace.

By | 2019-04-24T15:17:32+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Choices

This week's edition of iCoach is all about choices. Within each of us is the awesome power of choice. Using your power of choice gives you the capacity to overcome any challenge and get past any excuse to change anything and everything about your life. However, there have been studies that show that the teenage brain isn't as fully developed as the adult brain - especially in the front lobe - which is where we make decisions.

By | 2019-04-24T15:18:36+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The F Word

This week's edition of iCoach is all about the F-word... you know the one. It can wreck your life if you let it. It can freeze you in your tracks and keep you stuck in a rut. It can make you believe that you're not good enough and will tell you that you'll never succeed. The F-word that I'm talking about is FEAR. In this short, but oh so powerful iCoach Program, I will tell you the only solution to fear, the secret to unlock all of your potential that will lead you to so much joy.

By | 2019-04-24T15:19:32+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Do You Talk to Yourself?

This week's edition of iCoach is about a powerful tool called Affirmations. Affirmations are statements in the positive and present tense as if they are already achieved. By saying these powerful statements to yourself, you will begin to plant new thoughts and beliefs into your subconscious mind and your mind will go to work to make them your reality. Remember, what you think about becomes your reality - so start thinking positive thoughts by saying positive things to yourself.

By | 2019-04-24T15:20:42+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Energy Vampires Totally Suck!

This week's edition of iCoach is all about learning how to protect yourself from what I like to call the "energy vampires." You know the ones, they seem to drain the life out of you when you're with them and all they want to do is complain about how bad things are. It's exhausting to be around people like that - especially when you've committed yourself to a new way of living. We're on Week 33 of the iCoach Program and chances are by now you're really in tune with your own energy and you're very aware of how negative energy affects you. You're going to learn a simple tool that can help you protect yourself around those energy vampires.

By | 2019-04-24T15:21:41+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The Success Formula

This week's edition of iCoach teaches you the success formula; E + R = O. Using this formula will help you in every challenging situation you face. I learned this success strategy from my mentor and colleague, Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for Every Soul on the Planet and teacher of The Secret. I've learned from the very best and now I'm taking everything I learned and sharing it with YOU!

By | 2019-04-24T15:22:38+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty

This week's edition of iCoach is about being prepared and having enough tools ready in your toolbox for when life happens. I will use the expression "dig your well before you're thirsty" to describe how important it is to have your tools all ready before the "you know what" hits the fan. Because it can and it will. No one gets through life unscathed - let's face it, stuff happens. But it is those who are prepared by having a plan for your life and then having the tools to get yourself back on track.

By | 2019-04-24T15:23:50+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Vision Boards

This week's edition of iCoach will teach you about Vision Boards: what they are, how creating your own vision board will help you reach your dreams and goals, how to make your own vision board and where to place it so you can see it on a daily basis.

By | 2019-04-24T15:24:51+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Letting Go

This week's edition of iCoach is an exploration into the concept of Letting Go. Books have been written about it, the entire 12 Step Recovery Program is based upon it and I know from my own experience of it that when I Let God and Let God, miracles happen.

By | 2019-04-24T15:27:04+00:00 October 30th, 2009|
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