
iCoach – Forgiveness

This edition of iCoach comes on the heels of last week's topic of resentments and is my response to a girl who emailed me asking me for help in dealing with kids who are making fun of her. The gist of my response is one of the most transformational tools that you can possibly have to heal your life and live a life of love and joy - and that tool is forgiveness. It is also one of the most - if not the most difficult tool to put into action.

By | 2019-04-24T13:38:28+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Resentments

This week's edition of iCoach is about healing our resentments and understanding that our peace of mind is in direct proportion to the peace of mind you bring to the lives of other people. So when you're holding a grudge or resentment against someone else, the only one it is truly hurting is YOU. As Ghandi once said "you must be the change you want to see in the world" and if you want to have inner peace in your life, you must offer the same to others. In this session you will learn how to transform your anger, blame and hostility into peace and love.

By | 2019-04-24T13:44:30+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Positive vs Negative Thoughts

This week's edition of iCoach is about the effect of positive and negative thoughts on the molecules and cells of our body. Did you know that our bodies are made up of 67% water? In this week's powerful iCoach, I'm going to share with you a simple little tool that you can use to create powerful new positive energy to help you achieve your goals. This is just astounding and ground-breaking information and will help you get a better understanding of just how powerful you are through the thoughts that you think.

By | 2019-04-24T13:45:48+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – I Am Enough

Enough Already!! This week's edition of iCoach is a powerful meditation to help you fully grasp the concept and truth that you are enough - just the way you are. There is a familiar thread that runs through teen girls, young women and grown women as well and that is the erroneous belief that bubbles beneath the surface of our consciousness that tells us that we're not good enough. It may sound different to each of us - I'm not thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, successful enough - but the essence is still the same. This meditation will help you reconnect with the truth about who you really are and will remind you to lay claim to your birthright and to acknowledge and acclaim "I AM ENOUGH!"

By | 2019-04-24T13:47:42+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – People Pleasing & Approval Addiction

Hello Beautiful Girls! Today's iCoach Program is a follow up to my newsletter article about People Pleasing and how to recover from Approval Addiction. NOTE - the phone number I gave at the end of this podcast is no longer my office number. If you'd like to get in touch with me, click on the contact tab in the menu bar and fill out the connect form. Thanks so much!

By | 2019-04-24T13:50:09+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Balance

This week's edition of iCoach is all about creating balance in your life. When we're out of balance - we know it. It can lead to stress, procrastination and overwhelm and it feels like there is never enough time to do all the things that need to get done. Sound familiar? Well take a deep breath and relax. I'll be teaching you a tool that I use with all my coaching clients called the Wheel of Life and it will show you exactly where you need to focus your time and attention and what areas of your life need improvement.

By | 2019-04-24T13:51:04+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Self-Acceptance

This week's edition of iCoach is all about self-acceptance. When you learn how to love and accept yourself just the way you are, you often discover that your greatest challenges turn out to be your greatest strength.

By | 2019-04-24T15:04:28+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Recovery from Approval Addiction

Do you suffer from "approval addiction?" Are you a people pleaser? Do you worry what others think about you? If you said "yes" you are NOT alone. But do you really want to live your life feeling reassured that "misery loves company?" I doubt it. You can change your life by caring more about what you think than about what anyone else thinks and this edition of iCoach can show you how.

By | 2019-04-24T15:07:49+00:00 October 30th, 2009|
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