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So far Kathleen has created 172 blog entries.

What If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

Imagine if you knew in advance that you’d already won and that nothing you could do - or not do would change that. Imagine how different your approach to life would be. Your attitude and perspective would be so dramatically shifted from the way it is right now. You’d play more and worry less. You’d see challenges as opportunities to be creative. You would no longer be driven by the self-centered fear of not being good enough because you’d already know that you are enough. Well, guess what? You’ve already won! You already are enough! For you were created in the image and likeness of God. Within you lies the changeless and eternal truth that you are one with your Creator. Our only purpose here is to awaken to the truth of that and let go of the illusion that we are anything less than the love and light of [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:10:11+00:00 July 11th, 2011|

Believing Your Own “True Lies” – Thoughts on the Schwarzenegger Scandal

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I love Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has inspired me so much over the years - someone who has overcome the odds, dreamed big and accomplished so much. I am disappointed in the news, but not surprised. To me, this represents a larger than life projection of the ego and symbolizes the illusion of grandiosity in our culture. I find it actually hopeful that it is all coming crumbling down. Rather than judge him or anyone, I can simply say a prayer of gratitude "there but for the grace of God go I." All my "big dreams" and grandiose thinking was all ego and if I had ever got what I really thought I was supposed to get, I might actually find myself in the same place believing my own "True Lies" and thinking that my larger than life persona was who I really am. [...]

By | 2011-05-21T09:18:45+00:00 May 21st, 2011|

Scared or Sacred?

While in the early stages of creating my mother/daughter workshop, I was brainstorming titles and came up with Mothers and Daughters: Building the Sacred Connection. I realized that even though I sort of knew what the word "sacred" meant, I wanted to be sure that this was the right word to describe the essence of this workshop - so I looked it up. sacred |ˈsākrid| adjective connected with God To me, God is love. And that was exactly the energy that I wanted the mothers and daughters to feel and connect with. Then it dawned on me - just how similar the words "sacred" and "scared" are. All you have to do is switch two letters and get a completely different meaning. So then I looked up the word "scared." scared |ske(ə)rd| adjective fearful; frightened I felt like there was something really significant about this, but I needed more clarity. [...]

By | 2011-04-20T10:39:53+00:00 April 20th, 2011|

Best. Email. Ever.

I love my job! I get to travel and speak at schools and conferences all over the country. I get to inspire girls to find their power and voice and to dare to be their very best. It's always new and never gets old. I am always willing to learn and grow right along with the girls. I'm so grateful that all of my own hard-earned experiences have become the very things that God used to be a blessing for others. I don't need to look outside of myself for validation because the feeling of joy that I experience every time I step on stage and allow God to speak through me is a gift unto itself. But every now and then, I do receive that external validation and it is so amazing to know that what I have just shared has made a difference in the lives of others. [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:15:07+00:00 April 20th, 2011|

Dr. Oz Agrees – Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Cabin fever, winter blues, constant cravings and comfort food. It’s that time of year when many of us are completely off track and get caught in a vicious cycle of self-sabotage. Whether you are overweight or simply carrying a few extra pounds of winter blubber, hypnosis can help you stop overeating, stop sabotaging yourself and lose weight. On Monday, Dr. Oz had a show on Hypnosis for Weight Loss. The timing was perfect as this coming Sunday, February 13th, I am offering a 2 hour workshop called Body Love: Hypnosis for Weight Loss! Dr. Oz said that he first learned of the profound powers of hypnosis in medical school. He said “Hypnosis unlocks your subconscious power to control the demons that make you overeat.” Dr. Paul McKenna, PhD and hypnotist was Dr. Oz’s guest and hypnotized the entire audience. He said “Craving is a learned behavior. If you’ve learned it, [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:14:22+00:00 February 11th, 2011|

BODY LOVE: Hypnosis for Weight Loss ~ Transformational Breakthrough Program

The definition of insanity, as popularized in the halls and church basements of 12 Step Recovery Programs, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! If you’re one of the millions of Americans who has once again put “Lose Weight” on this year’s resolution list, you’re about to discover the secret to keeping the weight off - both you and your list once and for all. The reason most diets and resolutions fail is because they focus on the effect rather than the cause. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect stated in its simplest form is “thoughts become things.” Your body as it is today (the effect) is the result of yesterday’s thoughts (the cause). Try as we might to change the effect, the results if any, will be minimal and the energy and effort required maintain those results is exhausting. Hypnosis works because [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:12:42+00:00 January 31st, 2011|

New Workshop for Mothers & Daughters!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWg_9c0P1XM   One of the most sacred and powerful relationships in the world is the bond between a mother and her daughter. It can also be a source of stress and frustration that can turn your home into a battle zone. Through this fun and interactive workshop, Kathleen Hassan will demonstrate the power and energy of love; to heal, strengthen and create a mother/daughter partnership that is based on mutual respect and understanding. This powerful alliance helps mothers shift from fear-based parenting and helps girls develop a sense of inner strength and self-confidence to better handle the challenges “out there.” Learn tools for transformation and communication to build self-esteem & confidence Develop a powerful bond of mutual trust and respect for healthy relationships Help our girls thrive despite a culture that brainwashes them to believe they are not enough - just the way they are. Kathleen Hassan, the Teen [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:22:21+00:00 January 15th, 2011|

I’m Having So Much Fun – A Lesson in FREEDOM

Yesterday I went for a New Year’s Day walk through my local park. The sun was shining and the temp was a balmy 50 something degrees which was such a gift for January in New England! As I walked, I prayed for freedom from my own self-limiting thoughts. I prayed for my complete awakening to the truth of who I am - the beloved child of God; holy, whole and at one with God and everyone. On my way out of the park, I ran into my next door neighbors who stood at the base of a snowy hill watching their two grown daughters and their six precious granddaughters sledding and snow tubing down the slope.   As I stood there watching, I became filled with an experience of pure bliss and in that holy moment I knew this was His answer to my prayer. I was totally at one [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:24:50+00:00 January 2nd, 2011|

Buh-Bye to What No Longer Serves Me

December 31st is just another day. It happens to fall on a Friday this year. Yet it seems as if the whole world is busy prepping for the BIG NIGHT as resolutions are made and check lists of things to fix about ourselves grow longer. We resolve to be better, happier, thinner, richer, more successful as we strive to become who we think we’re supposed to be.   This year I resolve to simply love and accept myself - just the way I am. I also made a list of things that just no longer serve me and was now ready and willing to let go. Surprisingly, that list grew to almost 40 items that I was just so totally done with. December 21st was the perfect moment to have a sacred cleansing and releasing ceremony. It was as if the cosmos had aligned just for me to carry my [...]

By | 2017-03-07T14:24:13+00:00 December 31st, 2010|
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