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So far Kathleen has created 172 blog entries.

iCoach – The Power of Joy

This week's edition of iCoach is about the power of joy. Joy vibrates at the highest level and when you are in a state of joy, there is no resistance to receiving everything you've asked for. The expression "Ask & It Is Given" is 100% true, but whatever you've asked for can only flow to you when you are in a state of joy - or in other words, you act as if you've already received your desire. Joy vibrates at the same level or frequency as love, gratitude and power. So these "happy thoughts" will help to get your energy up there where it belongs.

By | 2019-04-24T15:42:24+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Questions Give the Mind Direction

This week's edition of iCoach is about asking Powerful Questions. This simple strategy can help you direct your thoughts and focus your mind towards getting to the essence of your truth. The problem is that most of us are asking ourselves the wrong questions. We ask things like "Why me?" and your mind will go to work to try and find the answer. What a waste of time and energy. What is the point of knowing why you? Why not you? Just because. Now move on :)

By | 2019-04-24T15:43:20+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Let it Be OK (because it is)

This week's edition of iCoach is on self-acceptance and learning how to let go of our incessant need to judge - ourselves and others. Your exercise or challenge this week is to write the phrase "Let it be OK" and then fill in the blank. Even if it's not OK, your willingness to stop judging things as either good or bad, allows the possibility of deep healing to take place.

By | 2019-04-24T15:44:12+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The Sacred Mother Daughter Bond

This week's edition of iCoach is about the powerful, soul-mate kind of relationship between a mother and daughter. Your relationship with your mother is probably the most significant and important relationship you'll ever have and is the one that affects your sense of self and will impact how you relate to everyone.

By | 2019-04-24T15:45:03+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The Body Prayer

Do you have a hard time sitting still and quieting your busy mind? This week's iCoach goes deeper into meditation and teaches you a tool or anchor called a body prayer. By using your hands and moving them in a ritualistic way and adding an intention to the movement, you create energy and healing. You also give your mind a powerful focus and a way to quiet down your busy thoughts.

By | 2019-04-24T15:46:32+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The Body Mind Spirit Connection

This week's edition of iCoach is all about understanding your body, mind, spirit connection. Most teen girls only are seeing the world through their body/mind connection, but when you tap into your spirit or soul - that is when you become whole - and holy. And that is where you find your power to create miracles. This edition of iCoach is a little deeper than most, but just listen to it as a meditation and trust that even if it's a bit deep, it is planting the seeds of greatness within you.

By | 2019-04-24T15:47:28+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Squashing Gossip

This week's edition of iCoach is about gossip. Let's face it, we all do it. We are bombarded with it on TV with shows like E! News and Entertainment Tonight and we all feed off of it getting some kind of power surge from knowing things about Brad and Angelina.

By | 2019-04-24T15:50:06+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – The Attitude of Gratitude

This week's edition of iCoach is all about appreciation and learning how to practice the attitude of gratitude. There is scientific research that proves that a grateful and optimistic attitude really does make you happier, healthier, more calm and relaxed and less stressed. The goal is to weaken the inclination for comparison and strengthen the inclination for self-improvement. Whenever we fall into the comparison trap, we sink into the low level feelings of jealousy and we will never be good enough. Gratitude is one of the highest levels of positive emotion - right up there with love and joy. And when you approach life from this place of high vibration, you will begin to attract more good things into your life!

By | 2019-04-24T13:16:47+00:00 October 30th, 2009|

iCoach – Guided Meditation to Get Grounded

This week's edition of iCoach is a guided meditation that will help you get grounded and centered. It takes you on a journey to the innermost part of you. There is a part of it when I have you picture a movie screen on the opposite wall from you. During that segment, you may want to pause the tape and visualize yourself in one of your many roles; daughter, best friend, student, girlfriend and see yourself being strong and confident in that role. Remember - what you think about becomes your reality. Visualization and meditation are powerful tools to help unlock your potential and unleash your power to create whatever you want in your life. Combining the tools together is even more powerful.

By | 2019-04-24T13:18:52+00:00 October 30th, 2009|
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