Getting a Boyfriend – Even if You’re Shy

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Getting a Boyfriend – Even if You’re Shy

This video is a response to an email I received from a young woman named Jennifer. Jennifer is 21 and feels like there is something wrong with her because she’s never had a boyfriend. Her self-esteem and self-confidence is at an all time low and she’s afraid it’s her fault because she’s shy. She ask, “How can I be OK with who I am and not care what other people think about me?” In this video, I help Jennifer understand that her beliefs are creating her reality. A belief is just a thought that we’ve played over and over again in our minds and accepted it as our truth. What you think about you attract. And if you think that it’s not OK to be quiet and shy and that there is something wrong with you, then you’ll only attract more situations that make you feel inferior for being who you are. When you learn how to love and accept yourself just the way that you are, in that place of pure love there’s no room for fear.  
By | 2017-03-07T14:57:10+00:00 September 13th, 2008|

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