Owning Your Power by Acknowledging Your Feelings

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Owning Your Power by Acknowledging Your Feelings

  • Make it a practice of asking yourself frequently throughout the day, “How am I feeling?”
  • Try to distinguish between how you are feeling and what you are thinking
  • When you wake up in the morning, close your eyes and place your attention on your core; your abdomen and heart area. Ask yourself how you’re feeling emotionally right now.
  • If there seems to be an upset, worried or anxious feeling there, give it a voice and allow it to speak to you. Let it tell you what it is feeling.
  • Really try to listen to its point of view.
  • Be sympathetic, loving and supportive of your own feelings. Imagine listening to them the way you’d listen to a small child.
  • Ask if there is anything you can do to take better care of yourself.
  • Repeat this exercise before you go to bed at night, or any other time during the day that you’re feeling “off the beam.”
  • Learn to really feel your feelings and then let them go.
  • When we supress or press down our feelings, it leads to depression and it blocks universal energy from flowing through us. We lose touch with our own inner voice and intuition and we cut ourselves off from ever experiencing true joy.
By | 1999-09-12T12:02:33+00:00 September 12th, 1999|

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