Raising Confident Daughters – Breakthrough Session 2017-03-20T23:17:17+00:00

Every mom wants her daughter to be brave, have the confidence to achieve her dreams, and know how to get back up when she falls.

Are you the mother of a teenage girl? Do you feel confident in just about every other area of your life except how to help your daughter feel good about herself? Are you worried that she might make some not-so-healthy choices to get the attention and approval of others? Do you sometimes feel that whatever you say only pushes her farther away? Have you ever felt like you’re failing as a mom?  

Fear not Mama! You are NOT alone.

One of the most sacred relationships in the world is the bond between a mother and her daughter. It can also be a source of stress and frustration that can turn your home into a battle zone. It’s a very different world for girls today as mothers and daughters struggle for control. Mothers seek to protect their daughters while girls seek independence and freedom.
This struggle has been going on since the beginning of time, but lately because of the way our society and culture has changed, this relationship has become even more strained. Our girls are bombarded with negative media messages that leave them anxious and overwhelmed. That frustration typically gets directed at their mother. Worse yet, they turn all that anger inward, leaving them vulnerable to depression, and more susceptible to self-injurious behavior such as eating disorders, cutting, drugs and promiscuity.

There is hope & a better way…

I’m opening up five spots for a FREE 50-minute coaching session for you and your daughter (worth $250). During the Breakthrough to Confidence Discovery session, you will:

  1. Create a vision for the confident, powerful young woman you know your daughter can be.
  2. Determine the #1 belief that stops your daughter from being confident and comfortable in her own skin.
  3. Discover your own fears and doubts that affect your relationship with your daughter.
  4. Learn the powerful actions that can transform anxiety, worry and overwhelm, into feeling that inner peace and happiness you’ve longed for.
  5. Experience a deep and meaningful facilitated conversation with your daughter that gets to the heart of the matter.
There is no greater reward than to hear a mother say to me, after going through my coaching program, “Thank you. I got my daughter back!”  One of my teen clients had been caught sneaking out of the house and having sex with several boys. Gossip spread like wildfire throughout the school, leaving her ostracized and ashamed. Both she and her mom went through my three month coaching program. Recently I got an email from her mother raving about the changes in her daughter. She is now captain of her track team and leading the team in group prayer before every match. Miracles like this are not only possible, they happen all the time to the girls I coach. For the past two decades, I’ve worked in the field of personal development, lecturing at conferences, schools and universities all across the country. As a life coach, certified hypnotherapist and addiction recovery counselor, my work centers around self-esteem, female empowerment, relationships and healing. I have helped thousands of women and girls, as well as mothers and daughters to heal, strengthen their relationship and develop resiliency and communication skills to become the confident girls and powerful women they were born to be. My UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE COACHING SYSTEM is designed to help your daughter finally love herself – just the way she is, while becoming all she was born to be. With her own personal success coach, together we will unearth your daughter’s greatest potential. As her trusted ally and cheerleader, I will continually mirror that back to her so she can develop confidence in her strengths and abilities. Essential life skills in relationship (most importantly with the relationship she has with herself), resiliency and communication will be developed to help her find her voice, stand up for herself and thrive through life’s pressures and transitions. Together we will create an action plan that will empower her to achieve her dreams and goals.
  If you’re ready to take the next step towards empowering your daughter to become the confident young woman you know she can be, then this Breakthrough to Confidence Discovery Session is your next step. I do only have 5 spots available and want to reserve them for those that really want it and who I’m certain I can help. To to help me determine that, I have a simple application process. It’s online and will only take a few minutes. Take the next step! Click the “Sign Up Now” button to apply.