“Knowing” Leo

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“Knowing” Leo

Last week, Leo Wesner, one of my spiritual teachers passed away. Leo was a gentle soul and a spiritual giant to all who knew him. In addition to being a teacher, he was also a student of A Course in Miracles and shared his insights weekly with a small ACIM study group which I was blessed to be a part of for over a year. Leo was a scholar and a linguistic master who digested and synthesized the message of the Course by delving into the meaning of The Word behind the words. Leo had cancer, but he didn’t die from cancer. He died because he no longer needed his body to teach him the lessons of the spirit. He had achieved the “knowingness” that he was so fond of talking about as he explained the Course to us each week. He taught us about the Gnosticism, the teaching based on Gnosis (Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge), the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means and talked about the difference between knowledge and “knowing” and the only way to know is to go within and experience the presence of God. Leo had written a book about his spiritual teachings and gave his final lecture just weeks before he died. Leo embodied the word humility and in a world where everyone is looking for their fifteen minutes of fame, the only thing Leo ever looked for was the Christ light within each person he met. He had this gift of making you feel like you were the most important person in his life. Last Thursday at the ACIM study group, we held a spiritual vigil to honor our teacher, mentor and beloved friend. As we went around the room, each sharing our own personal memories of Leo, it became abundantly clear that I was not the only one who felt like they were his favorite. The day I found out he passed away, I spent time in silence, sitting in my meditation room and I could feel Leo’s presence with me and I was filled with that “knowingness.” I sat with my journal and wrote a note to Leo telling him how much he meant to me and asked him to speak through me and share with me any message that he might have for me or our group. I received this response which I shared with the group and feel like it needs to be shared with the world. May his words be a blessing to you and help you get a glimpse of that “knowingness” and experience the love of God.
You are right, I am still with you in spirit and my passing is just proof of the message of the Course that there is no death. I always spoke of the “knowing” and believed that I achieved that state of knowingness in my lifetime. What a journey of remembering and undoing. What a celebration to finally come home fully to the truth and the ultimate knowingness that we are indeed all one and we were created as a divine spark within the magnitude of the light and love of God. The feeling of pure spirit without any resistance whatsoever is beyond human description. But I will tell you this – many of you are impatient as this knowingness is being revealed to you. But if God were ever to reveal His magnitude to any of us in human form all at once, our circuitry would be totally overloaded by sensation that we would be unable to comprehend and process this power. So my fellow seekers, trust God’s divine timing and feel God’s loving embrace in one another’s arms. I am with you all still and you will each feel and know my presence in your own way. Know this – the message and love of Jesus is written in your heart and you must go within and listen more often. You will receive glimpses of what is to come when one day you will join me fully in spirit. It is amazing and there is no need to cry for me for I am at full peace in this complete knowingness of God’s love. If you could see fully from this perspective, you would laugh so hard at the things that used to worry you so and see that all of it – every single bit of it was an illusion – because all there is and ever will be is love. Love one another and keep letting go and turning away from the illusion. I’m right here with you and I love you all.
By | 2017-03-07T14:30:39+00:00 May 5th, 2010|

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