What If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

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What If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

Imagine if you knew in advance that you’d already won and that nothing you could do – or not do would change that. Imagine how different your approach to life would be. Your attitude and perspective would be so dramatically shifted from the way it is right now. You’d play more and worry less. You’d see challenges as opportunities to be creative. You would no longer be driven by the self-centered fear of not being good enough because you’d already know that you are enough.
Well, guess what? You’ve already won! You already are enough! For you were created in the image and likeness of God. Within you lies the changeless and eternal truth that you are one with your Creator. Our only purpose here is to awaken to the truth of that and let go of the illusion that we are anything less than the love and light of God. Our job is to allow God to fully manifest all that He is through us. We are already all that, we simply need to remember that and stop resisting and clinging to who we think we are.

Everything is Possible

Years ago I heard Benjamin Zander, Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, Teacher at the New England Conservatory of Music and author of “The Art of Possibility” speak at a Toastmasters Convention. He shared a revolutionary approach to teaching music in that at the beginning of each semester, he gave all of his students an A and then had them imagine what they could do with music knowing they had already succeeded in the class. When he first proposed this far-out concept, many of his foreign students just could not accept that they didn’t have to work hard to earn the A. Eventually, he got them all to see how the struggling to achieve actually blocked the flow of creativity and prohibited them from fully expressing and creating music from their divine source of power within. The results were astounding and since that time, his concept and miraculous approach to creating music became the book “The Art of Possibility” and has catapulted Zander onto the stage as an in-demand presenter at conferences all over the world.

I’m Not Lost… I’m Exploring

Jana Stanfield is a gifted singer, songwriter and inspirational speaker who travels the world giving her Keynote Concerts. I first met Jana over 15 years ago at my very first National Speakers Association Conference. We met in passing on the trade show floor and she handed me a bumper sticker that said “I’m not lost… I’m exploring” and it totally changed my perspective from that moment on. I realized that I was on a spiritual journey and that I wasn’t lost, that it was OK not to know and that it was safe to trust that I was being guided to my truth. Now imagine how different your life would be if you knew that you weren’t lost and that you were being guided every step of the way. Try that on for size and see if you can feel your body letting go of some fear and struggle. You’ve already won. You’ve already got the A. So what would you explore today, knowing that you can’t get it wrong? One of my all-time favorite Jana Stanfield songs is “If I Were Brave.” Recently Jana put out a request on FaceBook to submit pictures of a time when we were being really brave. I submitted a picture of me swinging through the air with the (not so) greatest of ease on the flying trapeze and Jana selected it to be in her music video!!   Here are some of the lyrics of the song. Take some time today and answer some of the questions she poses;

“If I Were Brave” – Jana Stanfield

What would I do, if I knew that I could not fail? If I believed, would the wind always fill up my sail? How far would I go? What could I achieve, trusting the hero in me? If I were brave, I’d walk the razor’s edge, where fools and dreamers dare to tread. I’d never lose faith, even when losing my way. What step would I take today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? What if we’re all meant to do what we secretly dream? What would you ask, if you knew you could have anything? Like the mighty oak sleeps, in the heart of a seed, are there miracles in you and me? If I were brave, I’d walk the razor’s edge, where fools and dreamers dare to tread. I’d never lose faith, even when losing my way. What step would I take today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? If I refuse to listen to the voice of fear, would the voice of courage whisper in my ear? If I were brave, I’d walk the razor’s edge, where fools and dreamers dare to tread. I’d never lose faith, even when losing my way. What step would I take today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? What would I do today, if I were brave? And now… Here is her music video starring me!! (watch the whole thing and be totally inspired… but just make sure you watch me at 3:54!) The YouTube ID of http://www.youtube.com/embed/UF5V2PEujqs is invalid.   You’ve already won & you cannot fail! Go for it!!
By | 2017-03-07T14:10:11+00:00 July 11th, 2011|

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