Dr. Oz Agrees – Hypnosis for Weight Loss

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Dr. Oz Agrees – Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Cabin fever, winter blues, constant cravings and comfort food. It’s that time of year when many of us are completely off track and get caught in a vicious cycle of self-sabotage. Whether you are overweight or simply carrying a few extra pounds of winter blubber, hypnosis can help you stop overeating, stop sabotaging yourself and lose weight. On Monday, Dr. Oz had a show on Hypnosis for Weight Loss. The timing was perfect as this coming Sunday, February 13th, I am offering a 2 hour workshop called Body Love: Hypnosis for Weight Loss! Dr. Oz said that he first learned of the profound powers of hypnosis in medical school. He said “Hypnosis unlocks your subconscious power to control the demons that make you overeat.” Dr. Paul McKenna, PhD and hypnotist was Dr. Oz’s guest and hypnotized the entire audience. He said “Craving is a learned behavior. If you’ve learned it, then you can unlearn it.” Marianne Williamson, in her new book, “A Course in Weight Loss” says “Perhaps you’ve made amazing efforts to lose weight in the past… yet have found yourself unable to keep the weight off permanently.” She explains that the “extraordinary diet plans and superhuman feats of exercise” serve only to change your conscious thinking. “Unless your subconscious mind is enrolled in your weight-loss efforts, it will find a way to reconstitute the excess weight regardless of what you do.” Hypnosis works because it is a process of concentration and relaxation which helps us go deeper, below the conscious level of thought and into the subconscious level, where all change originates. When we try and lose weight from the conscious level, we use all kinds of motivational strategies such as reward and punishment which only engender fear and even if you manage to lose weight by this method, the results are short lived and the weight typically comes back. If you’re stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, locked in a habit of reaching for the wrong food at the wrong time or are just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, I hope you’ll join me for Body Love: Hypnosis for Weight Loss. To register or learn more: The YouTube ID of http://www.youtube.com/embed/qf87VHlnf5Y is invalid.    
By | 2017-03-07T14:14:22+00:00 February 11th, 2011|

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