Confidence Tip: Avoid the Comparison Trap

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Confidence Tip: Avoid the Comparison Trap

Warning! Falling into the comparison trap can keep you stuck and trapped in a prison of your own making. Comparing yourself to others sets you up for a lifetime of lack. It is the energy of scarcity and will leave you always wanting more; never satisfied, never feeling good enough.   Stop comparing your insides to someone else’s outsides. You never know, the girl with the new Louis Vuitton bag might be dying inside. If someone has something or some quality that you admire or wish you had, instead of getting jealous simply say, “That’s for me!” When you switch your energy from envy to intention, You become a magnet and actually attract more great things into your life. “Comparison is a thief of joy.” ~Theodore Roosevelt
By | 2017-03-07T14:25:37+00:00 September 20th, 2010|

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