One Giant Leap for Womankind

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One Giant Leap for Womankind

Moonwalk Long before Michael Jackson slid backwards across the stage, as a matter of fact, 40 years ago today man walked on the moon. July 20, 1969: Do you remember where you were that day? For my teen readers, you weren’t even born yet! I’ll never forget that day, but not because it was a day in history, but rather a day in herstory!   One small step for a woman… I got my first period the day the astronauts walked on the moon! While the nation sat transfixed to their television sets, I was locked in my bathroom, afraid to come out and trying to figure out how to strap on the paraphernalia that my mother kept hidden in the linen closet! Note to moms: Don’t wait to have “the talk!” It’s scary enough to grow up female in this world and it’s important to know the facts of life before you actually need them. With all the hormones in our food and milk supply, girls are entering puberty earlier – so prepare them. I never dreamed 40 years ago – the day I became a woman – that one day I would dedicate my life to empowering girls and women worldwide. Talk about a giant leap for womankind! I am on fire to share my hard-earned life lessons with young women and to teach them how to build their self-esteem and find their voice and authentic power. I’m so excited about the upcoming programs scheduled throughout the rest of the summer and into the fall. I’ll be back for the second time to speak to the girls at Camp Pembroke and have been invited back again this year to speak to 1500 girls at the Young Women’s Leadership Conference in York, PA. The sorority sisters from Duke University have invited me to speak on campus to help them develop the inner confidence they need to go out and make a difference in the world. I am currently booking for the fall of ‘09 and the spring of 2010. Lots of budgets have been cut due to the economic crisis and I am willing to honor last years’ fees for next years’ programs if you book me before September 1, 2009. For new clients I am offering a discount of $500 off new bookings. There has never been a better time to invest in the self-esteem of your students. We need to teach our children how to manifest and co-create a better world and economy by harnessing the power of their thoughts. By taking one small step, you too can make a giant leap for womankind!
By | 2017-03-07T14:53:49+00:00 July 20th, 2009|

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