iCoach – How to Keep Getting Better
This edition of iCoach will teach you a little tool that can have a BIG effect on just about every situation in your life. That tool is the acronym: LBNT. You’ll just have to listen to this week’s audio program to learn what it stands for and how you can apply it to your life. I promise, if you utilize this tool on a regular basis, you will begin to train your mind and strengthen and harness the power of your thoughts to bring about whatever your heart desires.

iCoach – Are Girls Jealous?
Today is the day… the day you are embarking on a whole new journey to YOU! Today’s lesson is about JEALOUSY. Are you jealous?? It is such a thrill to be sharing with you the secrets of finding your power and truth… the lessons that took me a lifetime to learn. How amazing that you’re getting this stuff now.

iCoach – Self-Esteem Part 1
This week’s edition of iCoach is about Self-Esteem. It is part one of a teleconference I ran about self-esteem and teens. This first part describes what self-esteem is and what it isn’t. I hope you’ll take the time to really listen and absorb this information. You will learn the two components of high self-esteem and the importance of getting to the level of unconditional self-esteem. Imagine feeling good about yourself – no matter what? You can… just because you’re YOU!

iCoach – Guided Meditation to Get Grounded
This week’s edition of iCoach is a guided meditation that will help you get grounded and centered. It takes you on a journey to the innermost part of you. There is a part of it when I have you picture a movie screen on the opposite wall from you. During that segment, you may want to pause the tape and visualize yourself in one of your many roles; daughter, best friend, student, girlfriend and see yourself being strong and confident in that role. Remember – what you think about becomes your reality. Visualization and meditation are powerful tools to help unlock your potential and unleash your power to create whatever you want in your life. Combining the tools together is even more powerful.

iCoach – The Attitude of Gratitude
This week’s edition of iCoach is all about appreciation and learning how to practice the attitude of gratitude. There is scientific research that proves that a grateful and optimistic attitude really does make you happier, healthier, more calm and relaxed and less stressed. The goal is to weaken the inclination for comparison and strengthen the inclination for self-improvement. Whenever we fall into the comparison trap, we sink into the low level feelings of jealousy and we will never be good enough. Gratitude is one of the highest levels of positive emotion – right up there with love and joy. And when you approach life from this place of high vibration, you will begin to attract more good things into your life!