Kat Carpenter has dreamed of this moment all her life. Her boyfriend James just proposed. But instead of falling into his arms and saying “Yes,” she risks everything when she tells him, “Not until you know who I really am.” As if daring him to leave, Kat tells her story in 9 tales and offers James the only gift she has to give – the truth. With every loss and challenge, through all nine tales, Kat’s faith is shaken and the belief that she had an important purpose in life begins to slip away. Yet it is in the telling of her own story to James that she begins to see for herself that she has never been alone, that she has been guided and that everything that ever happened to her has shaped her and prepared her for this moment.The Story Behind the Story
I cannot wait for you to get your hands on a copy of my soon to be published book! So to whet your appetite, I’m offering a free chapter download. (sign up below) Believe it or not, the title for this book came to me 14 years ago. I was at the Maui Writer’s Conference, pitching a totally different book to literary agents and got rejected by every single one of them. Later that night, I was walking the beach and the title, The 9 Lives of Kat, popped into my head. I filed it away with all my other ideas. Several years later, I was reading Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” for the fourth time. I had underlined and highlighted so many lines in that book, that it was practically falling apart. It was so filled with wisdom and universal truth. I put the book down and spoke this prayer out loud:Dear God, if I could do one really important thing with my life, I would want to write a book that inspires teen girls the way this book has inspired me.What happened next was nothing short of a miracle. God spoke back to me. I had been journaling for 20 years and was very familiar with getting inspired messages. I heard, “Pick up the pen.” I grabbed my journal and picked up the pen and it started to move across the page – as if on its own. The message that I received was unbelievably clear and direct. I was told that I had already been given an idea many years ago and that it was time to embark on writing my story and that my life would serve as the vehicle to teach girls how they too can get through every challenge in life. At the time, I still wasn’t sure if this book would be a memoir or a novel. Soon thereafter I got more guidance and was clear that this book was going to be a real-life novel; meaning that it would be based on my life, but the timing of the events and lessons would have to be reworked to tell a story that teen girls would relate to. Much of my healing and many of my lessons came to me later in life after getting sober and working the 12-steps of recovery, studying yoga and A Course in Miracles, getting certified as a Life Coach, Energy Healer and Hypnotherapist, and completely surrendering my life and will over to the care of God. I’m a late bloomer and I really wanted Kat to learn these lessons sooner, so that is why this book has been written in novel form. Wanna get updates and be the first to know the details of when the book is gonna launch? There is no obligation to buy the book at this time, but if you sign up now, you will be on the VIP list and receive bonus gifts that no one else will get! But wait… there’s more! You’ll also receive a link to read a free sample chapter. I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it…. and if you do and want to share it with others, please direct them back to this page rather than just sharing the sample. Publishers are looking for authors with a platform and an audience. By having more people signed up to the VIP list I can have “social proof” that I’m an author who can get this book out there. Fill in your info below and I will let you know the official launch date!